Steve Hazlett

In the mid 1970’s, I began my journey into the world of carnival glass. Not aware and unsure of myself, being in my early twenties. Starting my young adult life, obtaining a job and getting married. At that time, I had no idea what carnival glass was.
I became aware of carnival glass after I got married. My wife’s Grandmother and her Mother had begun collections of carnival glass. Their collections were small, but neatly displayed in antique curio cabinets. The thing I liked about carnival glass was the different colors and shapes. With the addition of the iridescence which enhanced each piece of glass.
At that point in my young life, I had not been bitten by the "carnival bug". There were many distractions, including having a new family, job and learning life’s lessons as they come along. I had little time or money to collect carnival glass or anything else as far as that goes. It was in the late 1980’s before I actually bought my first piece of carnival glass.
The first piece I purchased was the Holly compote in blue, I bought at a local auction. From there on, every spare moment and dollar, I took to auctions, flea markets, estate sales and antique malls. I went with my Mother and Father in-law whenever they went “antiquing”. We became members of the HOACGA club in 1990.
Joining HOACGA was a great experience for me. I met other people that were interested in what I was. I started making new friends and at each meeting I got to see carnival glass shared and learned about it. I guess the first convention I attended was an eye opening experience for me. I was meeting new people from all walks of life, with even more beautiful carnival glass that I had not seen yet. The only downside for me was I had been buying the common glass that everyone starts out buying. But it gave me the knowledge that there was much better glass out there, that I liked better.
Over the years, I have spent many hours traveling around looking for glass. Whether an auction, estate sale, or antique store or mall. I have acquired many pieces of carnival glass. Albeit a common, scarce, or rare piece of glass, I always enjoy the search. I have found that there is no method to my madness. I like all the colors, the different patterns and sizes of pieces. My mind is open to all possibilities. Unfortunately my wallet is not. I imagine that I have several hundred pieces of carnival glass, but I don’t keep a running count.
As the years roll by, I find myself (all in) with my pursuits in life. I worked for nearly 42 years with Sears Service. I have been a member of HOACGA for 25 years, and currently serve as bulletin editor. I also have joined Texas, ICGA and Tampa Bay clubs. Like so many other collectors, I feel like a keeper of the glass. To be passed on to other generations to be enjoyed. My journey began with my family and now continues with my extended carnival glass family. It has been a very good journey for me.