Grape Arbor
Made by Northwood, Grape Arbor is a pattern technically found in pitchers & tumblers only. This lovely grouping of Grape Arbor hat vases is an exception to the rule. I would think it's safe to say they "bend and stretch" the rules!
These belong to Billy Wilson from Cedar Hill, Tennessee. He says, "We collect Northwood's Grape Arbor hats. I got the ice green one from Don Hamlet long ago. I'm looking for one in iridized custard and hoping for an unknown Amethyst, Green and, last but not least, Aqua Opal.! Am I optimistic or what?
They show better underneath. That is why I took the photo upside down. The pattern is on the outside. They were made from tumblers (therefore considered whimsies). The ice blue is not listed anywhere that I have seen in this color. We have a custard one but it's not iridized."
So there you have it. Thank you Billy for sharing your rare collection of Grape Arbor hat vases made from tumblers. We wish you luck in finding those dream colors some day and thank you for being a friend of Showcase on Facebook.
Sincerely yours, Christina Katsikas
Colors of Vases in Photo, from top, left to right: Blue, Marigold, White, Ice Green and Ice Blue.
Shapes Known: Tankards (tall Pitchers), Tumblers, Hat Vases Whimsied from Tumblers.
Colors Reported in Tumblers: Amethyst, Blue, Celeste Blue, Custard, Ice Blue, Ice Green, Lavender, Marigold, Sapphire Blue, Smoke, and White. Lime Green Pitchers exist so tumblers may also be reported some day.
Colors Reported in Water Tankards: Amethyst, Blue, Ice Blue, Ice Green, Lime Green, Marigold, and White.