Cambridge Nearcut No. 2675 Buzz Saw 2-Ounce Marigold jug ~ cruet ~ perfume
We were at a Jim Seeck auction in September, 2016. He was selling glass from good friends Al & Karen Wrath. We were there for support for our friends and hoping to take home some of their treasures.
One item that came up for bids was a marigold stopper for a Buzz Saw cruet. Now this was for the 4" small cruet which is hard to come by. Bidding took off and I watched it go to $90, asking for $100, so I bid it and won it.
The first thing I hear from Sherry is, why did you buy that??!!?? I told her because we never had one and I thought it was about time that we did, <smile>. I don't know, what else was I suppose to say. I really had no reason except to help out Al & Karen in the auction. Sherry told me you will probably never find a cruet for it and she was probably right.
Surfing E-bay in Janurary, 2017 and guess what, you got it, there was a small marigold cruet without the stopper. A nice one with no damage. Did I mention that the stopper also had no damage? The old saying, I'd rather be lucky than good, certaintly came to mind. Yes, I won the cruet and deleted all the information about the auction and all corresponding related material. Sherry had no idea that I had won a cruet for the stopper.
When it came, I gave it to her to open because I had her name as the buyer so it was addressed to her. She just couldn't figure out who had sent her something for she certaintly did not know the person it came from. When she opened it, her jaw just about hit the floor. I should have had my camera ready. She broke out laughing and so did I. This is why we hunt this glass, isn't it?
The Dick & Sherry Betker Collection
To read more about these cruets, visit David Doty's page here. http://www.ddoty.com/buzzsaw.html
From Christina: As humble as Dick is, he failed to mention that there have been only two other of these small size marigold Buzz Saw cruets reported, one in good condition and the other not so good. The small size is really only found in green other than these rare examples like Dick's. The larger size cruets are found in green and also plentiful in marigold.