Crown Crystal Australia Melon Rib Smoke Vase
Even before I started collecting carnival glass beauties, I had already seen a few of these vases in antique shops, but all in marigold. I did not know at that time that they were made by Australia's own Crown Crystal.
Fast forward a few months, to after I discovered the joys and excitement of carnival glass collecting and hunting, when I read this article called
"Read All About It!-The Melon Rib Proof!"
by Glen & Stephen Thistlewood
I learned that they are called Melon Rib vases and made in Australia by Crown Crystal. It was very helpful and has proven its origins. Many thanks to the Thistlewoods for their research on this pattern.
Now I knew I needed to have even at least one outstanding piece of Melon Rib. I went to a local Mill Market and hunted. Lo and behold I found one and it's in smoky color, a not so common colour. I always thought they look more like Pooh Bear's honeypot.. lol..
I would recommend any collector to have one. It's quite an amazing piece to look at and admire, especially the coloured ribs and satin shiny finish. I hope to acquire more in different shapes, sizes, and colors. Cheers!
The Gio Sabino Lopez Collection
Note: Gio has added several pieces to his collection since his post here on Showcase. I have included additional photos from his fabulous collection for your viewing pleasure, compliments of Gio Sabino Lopez.