Dugan Big Basketweave Celeste Blue Vase
Here are two of our Celeste Blue Big Basketweave vases by Dugan. One stands 9 3/4" tall and the other is 10 1/4" tall. We bought both from the same lady in Michigan but at different times. We bought the first one from her on eBay and paid well for it, but it was one of those things I had always wanted and never seemed to see one come up for auction. We were very pleased with it when it arrived.
Then, a couple of months later, the same lady contacted us and said she had another vase like the one we bought from her and asked if we were interested. I told her probably not but I sure would love to see photos of the vase. She did send photos and we really liked this one too. Debbie said it would be a shame to split up a pair so we ended up making a deal with the lady to buy it. I asked how she came by them and she told me her Dad used to buy and sell antique furniture and eventually got into buying and selling carnival glass. She said at one point he sold off most of the carnival glass and paid off their house. She said she remembered him telling her that he had a good pair of blue vases and she shouldn't sell them in a garage sale.
After she sold us the first one on eBay, she said she found the other vase in a pile destined for a garage sale and remembered what her Dad had told her. She figured this must be the pair of vases he was talking about. I thought it was a neat story to go along with owning these beautiful vases.
The Rick & Debbie Graham Collection
For more information about
Dugan's Big Basketweave pattern,
visit this concise article
written by Dr. Larry Keig for the
June 2015 ICGA Pump Newsletter.
Thank you Dr. Keig & the ICGA.