Dugan Circle Scroll Oxblood Vase
We are very proud to present this extremely electric Dugan Circle Scroll oxblood vase to Showcase viewers. This is another superb example of what the Dugan artisans did so very well over a hundred years ago in Indiana, Pennsylvania. This extra special gem measures 7 ¾” in height and stands on a 2 ½” base sporting a 24-point star.
The Circle Scroll pattern was in use by Dugan prior to Carnival Glass production in opalescent colors, particularly in green and blue opal.
This particular vase was swung from the tumbler mould, as are the various hat vase shapes that can be found ruffled, JIP, two-sides-up or banana boat shape and tri-corner as well. The various shapes are available in marigold and amethyst, neither being very easy to find.
This is not a pattern you will see come along very often. The quality of the iridescence is key; these can be found with spectacular color, as with this specimen. Be wary of drab, poorly colored items, these are much less coveted by collectors than the heavily iridized examples.
Even though the various vase and hat vase shapes were all made from the tumbler mould, the tumblers themselves are extremely rare to come by, with purple being the most difficult to find by far.
This exceptional vase came to us in 2014 via private sale from our favorite Road Warrior, Gary Lickver. We thank him for the opportunity to add this fine beauty to our collection. This spectacular vase is well cherished and isn’t going anywhere but up on Showcase!
The Kate & Bill Lavelle Collection