Dugan Daisy Web Marigold Crimped JIP Hat Vase
Here we present yet another Dugan delight, a Daisy Web crimped JIP in marigold. This is one of Dugan’s most coveted and adored patterns amongst the Carnival Glass crowd. Some absolutely superb specimens can be seen right here on Showcase. They’re simply breath taking; when I first saw them I needed my inhaler!
Seriously though, far from a common place pattern, Daisy Web is available in only a few forms. The hat vase can be seen ruffled or crimped, tri-corner crimped, JIP (jack-in-the-pulpit) crimped and even as a 2-sides-up banana boat crimped or not. It is said that there are a few clear handled baskets in purple and marigold, although we have never seen one.
The interior pattern features a daisy like flower in the center of the bottom. This is then surrounded by eight panels of "drapes" or "web" that fade towards eight small daisy type flowers near the top edge. These are very hard to see when they have become stretched out by shaping.
The exterior pattern is aptly called Beaded Arches and was named by Dr. Larry Keig, renowned author of a multitude of fine articles on Dugan glass for ICGA’s The Carnival Glass Pump magazine.
This specimen came to us at the 2015 Lincoln Land convention auction and was part of the Helen Bell Estate of California. We are truly delighted to be its present caretakers.
The Kate & Bill Lavelle Collection