Dugan Daisy Web Purple Tri-Cornered Crimped Hat
This purple, tri-corner hat vase was purchased at a 2010 Tampa Bay Club Convention auction in the same sitting where I purchased one of my Jack-in-the-Pulpit cuties.
The web design is very alluring and makes one want to see what's at the bottom inside where you'll find the Daisy is a nice little reward. It's very detailed, as is the rest of this little hat.
Although my two purple Jack-in-the-Pulpit Daisy Web vases are iridized on the back, this tri-cornered version is not.
These little cuties are found in amethyst, purple, marigold and peach opal and have a pattern on the back called Beaded Arches named by Dr. Larry Keig.
The Christina Katsikas Collection