Dugan Farmyard Purple Diamond Ruffled Bowl
I am happy to say I added another shape of Dugan's Farmyard Bowl to my growing collection while attending the February 2016 Tampa Bay Carnival Club convention. The shape of this one is called diamond ruffled.
It has pretty satiny, stretch iridescence with a touch of radium (shiny) highlights in the very center and other places on the birds.
So, my collection needs the two square versions now, one plain and the other ruffled, but I hear these are more scarce than "hen's teeth" so "Cluck, cluck! Good luck to me! lol! I bet I can at least go visit one at the 2016 Dugan display at HOACGA. It belongs to none other but our Showcase collector Gary Heavin. Please be sure to visit this link to see his famous Farmyard Bowl Collection.
The Christina Katsikas Collection
(Please be sure to click on each photo once more to enlarge each one for all the pretty details.)