Dugan Farmyard Purple Eight-Ruffled Bowl
Here is a picture of my Farmyard bowl. As you can see, it has some very nice iridescence.
It went originally from the Dugan factory to Australia and was sold by an Aussie to the man I bought it from back in the 1990's. He is downsizing his collection after a recent medical issue and sold it to me because I tend to procrastinate. LOL!
I had bought an ice green Grape and Cable centerpiece bowl with the points going up from him on eBay this past May. After I won it, I emailed him to ask if he could ship it ASAP as I was leaving for Brimfield the following Monday. It did not arrive but I was too busy to email him. When I returned home after a week, it still was not there. I was, for some reason, very lackadaisical and did not email him again.
A couple of days later I received an email from with the subject: EBAY SALE. It was from a relative of his saying that the man had a heart attack and was in the hospital and that he would ship the piece as soon as he got out. To make a long story short, about ten days later I received the piece and I emailed him and told him that it was beautiful and I loved it. I mean blue iridescence on ice green is really nice. He thanked me and said I was very nice because another buyer he sold a piece to had called him a crook and gave him bad feedback on eBay. He said he had to downsize his collection because he was unable to walk up the stairs in his house and would have to go into assisted living. He said he would send me a few pictures of items he might want to sell.
I got these pictures the next day and I could not say yes fast enough. So, we made the deal and when the package arrived, the color was actually better than the pictures! It now sits in my home next to a six ruffled Farmyard that I once thought was nice but pales in comparison. I still cannot believe this stunning piece is mine.
The Greg Dilian Collection