Dugan Farmyard Purple Six-Ruffle Bowl
The old-timers may remember one-time collectors Noreen (deceased) and Tony Duran from New Mexico; Noreen only bought the best in color and iridescence. We bought this from her on a return trip from a Colorado vacation around 1984.
It measures 10.75" wide, 3.5" tall and has a base diameter of 4.25".
An interesting side story about this piece. I do not recall the year that HOACGA asked everyone who owned a Farmyard bowl to bring them to the convention; as I recall there were 26 Farmyard bowls on display. Of course there were many beautiful Farmyards there of all sorts of variations; we naturally thought ours, from an iridescent standpoint, was the most beautiful of all the bowls that were there; someone else thought so too.
After the program, as we were wrapping up our bowl, a gentleman, unkown to us, stopped by our table, sat down and asked how much we wanted for our Farmyard. We told him it was not for sale. He took out a checkbook, tore out a check, signed it, and handed it to Carol and said, "Fill in the amount". We declined his magnanimous offer. I often wonder if we had written in an ungodly amount, what would he have done? Hmmmm...... Jerry
The Jerry & Carol Curtis Collection