Dugan Twigs Amethyst Crimped Jack-in-the-Pulpit Vase
The crimped jack-in-the-pulpit vases have always attracted attention because they were so artfully created. One of two “available” shapes, they have historically been the most talked about and are arguably the most popular shape. Don and Kris's vase is three and one-half inches tall. Others are taller, to as much as four and one-fourth inches in height.
The JIPs are line items. It is unusual, although not unheard of, for a line item to have been so extensively whimsied, an inherently labor intensive process. It's no wonder, then, there aren't all that many of the JIPs around.
Dr. Larry Keig
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Don & Kris recall that Marie Capps, from California, saw this many years ago when she attended a NECGA convention and remarked that this was one of the squattiest ones she had ever seen.
The Don & Kris Dorais Collection