Dugan Twigs Amethyst Crimped Round Vase with Inner Iridescence Only
On occasion, little Twigs are iridized only on the inside, with just the amethyst base color visible on the outside. Kate and Bill Lavelle’s crimped round, electric on the interior, is a lovely one of these.
Dr. Larry Keig
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This delightful amethyst crimped edge round Twigs vase is one of Bill's favorite pieces. He had desired a Twigs vase ever since he got involved in what used to be "Mom's Carnival Glass" hobby (hoard?).
Bill has been a devoted reader of J.R.R. Tolkien's novels since he was young and always liked The Ents. Here is more information on Ents if you're not sure you recall these tree-like creatures. When we first started to learn about different Carnival Glass patterns he fell in love with these odd, yet charming vases, so this our Ent.
This particular vase was a room sale purchase from the Road Warrior (Gary Lickver) during ICGA 2012. It has no iridescence at all on the exterior, it's all interior. It was featured along with many of the other fine Twigs vases here on Showcase in Dr. Larry Keig's excellent article in the Spring 2015 issue of the Pump.
Bill also has charming tall Ents (the bud vase with twig feet) but this is still his favorite, at least until he finds another!
The Kate & Bill Lavelle Collection