Dugan Twigs Amethyst Whimsey Spittoon Vase
The captivating and transfixing spittoon shape is in all probability a whimsey. The one illustrated is the only one that has been reported. It stands four and three-fourth inches tall.
This spittoon is surely more decorative than utilitarian. It would be tough for the chewer to find the mark.
Dr. Larry Keg
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Don & Kris purchased this from a private sale in Pennsylvania. They had see this on eBay and were the underbidders. It took a couple of years, but they were finally able to talk the winner into selling it to them.
This collection of six different shapes, has taken them 15 years to put together. We thank them for sharing them here on Showcase. Tom Burns, auctioneer, Carnival Glass expert, and their good friend has seen all of these vases to verify authenticity, with the 6-ruffled, round and spitton shapes being the rarest.
The Don & Kris Dorais Collection
Please enjoy the original complete article of "Dugan & Diamond Twig Vases" as written by Dr. Larry Keig for the March 2015 ICGA Pump