Eda Sweden Sunk Daisy Amerika Marigold Flared Bowl
I was given this adorable little bowl by my "Carnival Glass Sister", Ellen Richardson from the UK. She thought I should have it to go along with the amethyst and white ones I purchased from her during her visit to the United States while attending the Jackie Poucher Auction in Kansas City, Missouri in September of 2014. Here is what she has to say about it. Take it away Ellen!
"This small Marigold flared bowl came from a source in Sweden in 2002. I just cannot resist small dainty Carnival glass items and had to buy all I was offered at the time. This beauty is a deep Marigold and the daisy/geometric pattern shows clearly a host of colours on the iridescence - deep pink, coral, turquoise and gold. The bowl has the usual four ground feet." Ellen Richardson
The Christina Katsikas Collection