Karen & Doug Engel
Karen & Doug Engel
As written by Christina Katsikas
Karen Engel is the first tribute I've chosen to begin with in our new category called "Who's Who" in the Carnival Glass World. At the writing of this article, it has been just over a year since Karen lost her battle with an illness for which there was no cure. She passed on September 11, 2016 and, on that fateful day, the Carnival Glass World stopped to mourn their friend and fellow collector. To put it lightly, there was widespread shock and awe of the news they never saw coming. You see, Karen had fallen back from the Carnival Glass community during her illness and only her family and very few close friends knew she was ill. It was the way she wanted it.
Karen even stopped taking my calls and never returned any of my emails. I knew something was wrong but respecting her privacy was all anyone could do. It was Karen that inspired me, after she passed away, when I came upon a letter she wrote me in a package where she included several color photos of the late Don & Connie Moore's famed collection. In this letter, she planted the seed of somehow saving historical Carnival Glass materials from iconic collectors, as she thought I only could. This was easier said than done but I cannot back down from a challenge without giving it my best shot. I have not moved on it but pondered how it would be done without controversy. It seems that I have never been able to make everyone happy all at once...but I will try for that 99% who will appreciate knowing these great people.
Now, with a final push from Jim Wroda, auctioneer, who has given me even more historical photos and correspondence from his visit with Karen's husband, Doug, in Albany, Oregon, it has become clear just how precious the People of Carnival, the "Who's Who" are to us. Who are the movers, the doers and the shakers? Who were the warriors and the quiet (and not so quiet) collectors? Who are the selfless teachers and writers....The club and convention organizers.... the auctioneers, buyers and sellers and everyone in between? We hear so much about them but the new collectors in our younger generation don't have a clue who is is when we mention the Britts, the Whitleys, Moores, Matheny & Thomas, Loescher, Philips, Mochel, Woody.... Oh! The list goes on and on but we have to begin somewhere and I choose Karen & Doug Engel. Here is Karen's letter to me where she tells her history candidly in her own words:
Hi Christina,
You were the only person in the Carnival Glass world that I thought would truly enjoy these old photos.
I was a young woman with a husband and a young son, 32 years old, a lover of carnival glass and had met Don & Connie Moore, Dale Matheny and George Thomas on several occasions at club meetings and conventions. As our acquaintance deepened into a wonderful friendship, Dale began to encourage me to come to the bay area for a visit and said he and George would take me to Don and Connie's home for a visit. Dale would say, "After all, Don is fighting Leukemia and won't be with us forever."
I took Dale up on his kind offer and flew to San Francisco over a 4th of July three-day weekend in 1983, and the rest is history. I got to see the famous Moore collection many more time as the years went by until Don's passing in early 1991. Our friendship was very special by the time Don passed away, not only with Don, Connie too and especially Dale & George. I continued to visit on a regular basis and whenever I was in the bay area we always met Connie for Saturday brunch and continued to do so until shortly before Dale's passing in 2010.
Approximately six months after Don passed away, Dale told me I needed to speak to Connie. Well, I knew immediately what that was going to be about and I wasn't about to talk to her "about that". Well, Dale said, "Yes, you are." and so I did. Connie had been wondering why I hadn't asked for some of the Moore glass. That wasn't the basis of our friendship--make a long story longer--the piece that I got was the Peach Opalescent Grape & Cable Bon Bon (the 1st one that was known and I know Don's story behind it). It proudly resides in my collection today.
Well, a little old history! I loved those people with all my heart and will miss them until we meet again.
Can't you just imagine a 32-year-old lover of carnival glass walking into the condo of Don & Connie Moore, sitting down with a cup of coffee. I still remember my first visit to this day. The memory will last my lifetime. Enjoy the photos. Many of the pieces now reside in our collection. We are very proud and very humble to be the caretaker."
Through the years, Karen had emailed me several photos of her collection as it was displayed in her home. Here are just a few of these shown.
The last photo is one I savor...of myself and Karen sitting together at a Tampa Bay Carnival Glass Club convention seminar by Joan Doty.
To be continued...