Esberard Rio Brazilian "The Greek Compote" Marigold Compote Set
The Greek Compote, "Compoteira Grega", in Portuguese, can be found in non carnival glass in some colors like green, blue and crystal clear, but in carnival glass it is one of the hardest Brazilian compotes to find!
This Greek Compote was sold to me by my friend Álvaro Aguiar from Juiz de Fora, in Minas Gerais State, and it is perfect and complete; the compote itself, the lid and the underplate.
It is one of the biggest compotes I have; 16,0 centimeters (a little more than 6 inches) in diameter and 23,0 centimeters (9 inches) in height.
The marigold iridescence is very beautiful and the Greek Key detail decorates the three pieces.
In my opinion, the main detail in this piece is that it is marked in raised letters "Esberard Rio" on the surface of the underplate so, a Brazilian compote!
The Claudio Deveikis Collection