Fenton Dragon & Lotus Marigold Bowl
This is one of my favourite Dragon and Lotus bowls: a marigold that wants to be a rose! This has been mistaken for an Amberina example. I first spotted it displayed on the back shelf of a stall at an antique fair and was struck by the brilliance of its iridescence.
I thought it would be something rare and exotic and priced accordingly but couldn't resist getting the stall holder to take it down for me to have a closer look at it. I was amazed that it was only priced as a marigold bowl.
I bought it because the iridescent coating was so total, even over the Marie, that you couldn't tell what colour the base glass was, just that the effect was yellow in the centre transitioning to orange red towards the edges.
Only when I got it home and examined it minutely, with the aid of a dental mirror, did I find a small visible patch of clear base glass on the rebate of the marie, to confirm that it is actually marigold.
This is one of the pieces I brought for the "Best Exotic Marigold Hotel" glass display at the Carnival Glass Society UK AGM annual gathering in October, 2015.
The Dave Richards Collection, Cumbria, UK