Fenton Feather Stitch Blue ICS Bowl
I bought the Feathered Stitch bowl from a gentleman that I know in Central Pennsylvania. I knew his parents too who were old time collectors and dealers there. His father just passed away last year and this was one of his pieces. This ice cream shape (ICS) in blue is a bit harder to find.
ICS bowls are also found in amethyst. All the bowls in this pattern come mostly in a ruffled edge which includes the colors blue, amethyst, aqua, and marigold. Also red, white and "Marigold over Vaseline" have been reported.
If this pattern looks familiar to you, it may be because it looks like Fenton's Coin Dot pattern. The difference is that there is a sewing pattern call "feather stitch" lining each dot. This was a popular stitch used in making quilts back in the day as it feathered out from one quilt square to the other to hold them together, looking almost like branches.
The Scott Beale Collection