Fenton Heart & Vine Variant Green Bowl with Bearded Berry Back
The Heart & Vine bowl was purchase on the last day of our Easter Break in Norfolk. We had already visited a couple of antique fairs over the weekend and decided to take a detour home to take in one more fair and a couple of antique shops that we had visited before.
At the first antique shop we drew a blank with no Carnival on offer at all which left us feeling that the hour detour may have been a waist of time so off to the second we went. Last time we visited this one we came away with nothing so I wasn't expecting too much but it's a lovely old building with three floors of interesting antiques to look at and there was a brilliant tea room which overlooked the river just a few feet away. On entering the building, we noticed a cabinet on the ground floor with a few Carnival items in it and that's where we spotted the Hearts & Vine bowl. The cabinet was locked so we took to our knees to gain a better look and that's when we noticed the Bearded Berry reverse.
My phone signal was very poor in the building so I could not research the bowl and we walked away and continued looking. I tried again on the second floor with no joy and it wasn't until we got to the third floor standing under one of the skylights that it decided to work. Something was telling us that the Bearded Berry reverse in this pattern was a tough find and, once our research confirmed this, we practically ran down the two floors to the cabinet where Lee stood guard until I returned with one of the dealers with the keys.
On inspection, I was surprised how dusty these items were in this cabinet and thought that they must of been in here for quite sometime and was wondering why this beautiful bowl had not been purchased before as the price was good. Maybe possible buyers just didn't know about its secret!
At the first antique shop we drew a blank with no Carnival on offer at all which left us feeling that the hour detour may have been a waist of time so off to the second we went. Last time we visited this one we came away with nothing so I wasn't expecting too much but it's a lovely old building with three floors of interesting antiques to look at and there was a brilliant tea room which overlooked the river just a few feet away. On entering the building, we noticed a cabinet on the ground floor with a few Carnival items in it and that's where we spotted the Hearts & Vine bowl. The cabinet was locked so we took to our knees to gain a better look and that's when we noticed the Bearded Berry reverse.
My phone signal was very poor in the building so I could not research the bowl and we walked away and continued looking. I tried again on the second floor with no joy and it wasn't until we got to the third floor standing under one of the skylights that it decided to work. Something was telling us that the Bearded Berry reverse in this pattern was a tough find and, once our research confirmed this, we practically ran down the two floors to the cabinet where Lee stood guard until I returned with one of the dealers with the keys.
On inspection, I was surprised how dusty these items were in this cabinet and thought that they must of been in here for quite sometime and was wondering why this beautiful bowl had not been purchased before as the price was good. Maybe possible buyers just didn't know about its secret!
Maker: Fenton
Pattern: Hearts and Vine Variant
Reverse Pattern: Bearded Berry
The Lynne Martin & Lee Moore Collection
Lynne Martin & Lee Moore
Heart & Vine