Fenton Orange Tree Green 3-in-1 Bowl
The end of June, a friend and fellow collector of ours, Ellen Richardson who lives in England, told us that she is going to be sell some of her Carnival Glass. I asked her for some photos which she readily supplied. I liked all the glass but could only afford a couple of pieces. When they arrived, they were all European Carnival Glass and awesome.
Shortly after they arrived, I had heard through my friend Christina that Ellen had listed an American piece on a Facebook page called Carnival Glass 1907-1930 Buy/Sell that I would be interested in. It was a green 3-in-1 edge Orange Tree Bowl. Come on! Really? Yes she did. You got to be kidding me! was my first thought. It turned out to be a super green 3-in-1 edge Orange Tree bowl and now our collection was four, just like that, thanks to Ellen.