Fenton Ribbon Tie Blue 3-in-1 Low Bowl or Plate
I purchased this Fenton Ribbon Tie as a blue bowl on eBay in May of 2017. I thought it was one of the prettiest ones I had ever laid eyes on. From looking at the photos it looked really flat and I was anxious to get it in hand to measure its height thinking it could actually be a plate.
When it came in I was really pleased with its knockout iridescence. It measured 9 inches across and my hunch was right about the height; it was only 1 1/2 inches tall on the edge. According to David Doty and other points of reference, if it's a 3-in-1 edge and is less than 2" tall from the table, this is considered to be a plate.
I call it a plate, some may call it a low bowl. It is all a matter of preference. It's been a very controversial topic through the years probably because plates may bring more money. I just like to call mine one of the prettiest Ribbon Ties this side of the Mississippi River.
The Mike Carwile Collection