Fenton Rustic Blue Jardiniere With Pinched Sides
When I first started collecting carnival glass, I purchased anything that shined. Then I realized that what I like the best is vases. My favorite is funeral vases. That is why this jardinere caught my eye. I knew that I had to have it, because it is made from a rustic funeral vase.
After I purchased it, I started researching it and was contacted by Singleton Bailey; I believe that this may be the vase that he owned back in the 1970's. He described the one that he had and it is just like it. It is blue with four pinches, one on each side. He told me his was featured in the Edwards carnival glass book. He also stated that he believed that his was the only one known at that time.
I looked it up in Edwards book, and I believe it to be the same vase. It is blue, 7 1/2 inches tall, 5 1/4 inches across the bottom, 6 1/4 inches across the top, and has four pinches halfway up creating four sides. I am excited to add this piece to my collection.
The Scott & Suzanne Sheffield Collection