~ Dean & Diane Fry
Our interest in carnival glass began in the mid-sixties when our first piece was purchased. After moving to San Diego, we pursued that interest to the point of instigating a Club in the mid-eighties, which met quarterly at a hotel. Speakers from other California Clubs to the north were invited to attend and present programs; eventually leading to creation of an annual Convention. Membership grew, along with interest in having speakers from other parts of the Country as guests.
Creation of the Butler Brothers Catalogs in April 1994, sparked interest and dated production of various patterns. We presented our share of Convention programs across country during the ensuing years.
A San Diego Club member who knew Donna Adler and her avid interests in carnival glass (she has collected since a teen-ager), contacted us about forming a website, so beginning in April 2003, the three of us instigated www.carnivalglass101.com and Carnival Heaven. The weekly additions to the site continue to be an enjoyable experience.
~ Diane Fry