~ Brian & Jocelyn Granger
I first got introduced to carnival glass when my father passed away and left me a piece of carnival glass. A marigold SCROLL EMBOSSED ruffled bowl. I had no idea what it was?? So doing some research on the Internet and seeing beautiful photos of carnival glass ....I WAS HOOKED!
For my first year of collecting it was just local auctions that Jocelyne and I attended. Then one day on the Internet, I spotted carnival glass clubs and got interested in joining a few closer to where we live.That is when I spoke for the first time to my MENTOR on the phone "MOE MYERS" which he was the President of the NECGA (New England Carnival Glass Association) back then. In his raspy voice of his he welcomed us as new members and invited us to the upcoming convention in Leominster, Massachusetts. On arriving there, guess who was in the lobby? That's right, BIG MOE MYERS and when he greeted us and shook my hand I knew that we were going to be BEST BUDS then and there!
He took me under his wings for years giving me knowledge and advice on carnival glass. It hit me hard when my best friend recently passed away but I have two small Dugan plates that Moe loved and are in my display cabinet right now and every day when I look at them I think of my BEST BUD and I cherish the memories of him and the things he taught me.
He got me to start writing newsletters for the clubs telling me how much he enjoyed reading them. He also told me to read something every day about carnival glass to obtain more knowledge.
YES!! MOE MYERS was my MENTOR and will always be my MENTOR! He would always smirk when I would say EH!! So in closing this letter I would like to say to MOE....save me a place up there so we can do some serious carnival glass collecting. We will always love you, take care and bye for now.
P.s. As I said before, carnival glass people are the best....EH!!!"
Brian & Jocelyn Granger