Imperial Broken Arches Electric Purple Deep Ruffled Punch Bowl
This great set came from a small town near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. I only got the bowl. I had the base. This ruffled bowl has the ringed pattern inside the bottom. I have two other sets. One has the ringed bottom and the ribbed sides on the inside. The last has a plain inside.
There has to be at least three plungers with the molds, maybe to add a little more interest to the set. As for the tops, maybe made from the same mold or special one for the ruffled or could have come from the straight one and ruffled by hand, which would have made it more costly and harder to make the same. Only reason there are so few. This is my opinion. If anyone knows more I would be glad to hear.
The Larry Ashley Collection
(Be sure to click on the photo again for a closer view of this magnificent punch bowl.)