Imperial Four Seventy Four Purple Punch Bowl Set
Hello Christina,
We briefly met in Tom Burns' room last Friday at the NECGA convention (2014), where I discovered this great website.
Browsing the site, I read your interesting story about the excitement of getting together the base and the bowl of your Imperial 474 purple punch bowl.
My story is much more simple: During February (and a snow storm) an antique shop owner called me late at night telling me how he just bought a huge piece of Carnival that he had never seen before. Listening closely to his verbal description (he had no cell or no iPad) I started dreaming it could be a 474 purple punch bowl.
You can guess the end of the story: a few moments later I drove 50 miles to his place in a night snow storm to confirm that it was indeed this beauty and take it back home!
(By the way, he had time to research and price it.....at book value!)
The Michel Filion Collection, Canada