Imperial Four Seventy Four Teal Punch Bowl Pedestal
Imperial 474 punch bowls were made in green, emerald green, purple, crystal clear (not iridized) and now possibly teal. There are no teal punch bowls reported yet but this pedestal makes it evident they may exist.
This was given to me as a gift from my friend Mike Carwile. He said it would remind me of our friendship and that anything is possible when it comes to Carnival Glass. It sure gives me something to look forward to in finding the bowl. None are known to exist to date but I do believe in miracles.
I remember when I had just written in to Woodsland's nightly newsletter saying I had all the colors known in 474 punch bowls. Shortly thereafter, Mike sent in these pictures and threw me a zinger saying there was yet another color. What?? I think he rather enjoyed doing that to me. I reacted just as he expected. He got me!
I find it to be the prettiest pedestal I now own. These pictures are pretty but in person it's a knockout! The iridescence is very much like the one that goes with my Emerald Green set but there is one exciting difference.... It glows a bright green under a blacklight! I couldn't believe it. I checked the regular green one and it didn't glow, no one little bit, so this teal color has a touch of Uranium in it. This tells me it's a completely different color and not just a variation of the green version. Dare I imagine finding the top that could possibly glow as well? What a sight that would be!
Thank you Mike for your wonderful and generous gift. Of all people you knew I'd love it best!
The Christina Katsikas Collection