Imperial Heavy Grape Marigold 6-Inch Plate
~A Passion for Small Plates by Sandy Sage~
I love -- and am just a tiny bit obsessed with – collecting small plates. In carnival glass, small plates are generally 6 to 7 inches in diameter with some extending to about 7.5 or even 8 inches. There are three small plates we own that we consider to be outstanding examples and they are the top three plates in our collection. This is one of them.
In 2008, at the Texas Carnival Glass Club convention, the auction was the collection of Jack and Eleanor Hamilton of Waco, Texas. Eleanor was known for collecting small plates and as we were well into collecting them by now we had our eye out for something special.
There was one very special small plate that caught our eye – and someone else’s eye as well -- a marigold Imperial Heavy Grape 6-inch plate.
They say that there are no friends at an auction, but on that day our good friend Dorothy Morgan was feeling generous (as she and Emmett have on more than one occasion when bidding against us) and Dorothy stopped bidding on the plate.
It went home with us and we subsequently found out that it was a rare little plate with just four known.
Our collection of small plates has now grown to about thirty. As I am still obsessed with collecting them, the search for more continues!
The Bob & Sandy Sage Collection