Imperial Loganberry Purple Whimsey Vase
I purchased this in 2012 from a private collector. I did a seminar on Imperial for Keystone Carnival Glass Club in 2009 and this guy comes to my room on Thursday, the day before the seminar and asked me if I would like to use a piece he brought along in my talk. He handed me the wrapped up package and when I unwrapped it, I was floored. I had only heard of this wild whimsey and now I was holding it and would not let go. I told him several times that if he ever wanted to sell it, PLEASE let me know.
He said he sold it to me because of the way I was taken back by it and said he knew I would really appreciate it and keep it and not sell it in a couple of years. I thought that was sooo very kewl. To me, this is the epitome of Imperial whimsies.
The Dick & Sherry Betker Collection