Imperial Long Hobstar Marigold Fruit Bowl
I cannot even begin to tell you how pretty this is. It literally shines like a diamond ring, shimmering with every color under the spectrum. It's breathtaking but extremely hard to photograph the amazing spectrum of sparkles. It's loaded with golds, yellows, baby blues, greens, and pinks. The interior of the bowl is radium which illuminates in large patches of these colors.
The bowl is 10" wide and the bowl on its pedestal is 10" tall. Technically this is considered a punch bowl because the base (known as the "marie") of the bowl fits into the pedestal and not over a pedestal. But, truth be told, this bowl would not really hold much liquid and is best suited as an elevated fruit bowl.
It was made with very special attention to the iridescence. It is the prettiest item in marigold I have ever seen. I paid far less for this than any of my other fruit or punch bowls but the enjoyment it brings to me is priceless.
This set was purchased at a Mickey Reichel Auction in Boonville, Missouri on September 28, 2013. This auction featured the estate of Ronnie Carpenter from Monroe, Louisiana.
Mickey had advertised it on Woodsland the week before the sale. It took my breath away. The last four pictures are from Mickey's auction catalogue.
The Christina Katsikas Collection.