Imperial Smooth Panels "Omero" Marigold Wicker Encased Rosebowl
Here we have a Smooth Panels rosebowl with fancy wicker encasement that Mike Carwile purchased in an antique shop in Lexington, Virginia in 2014. It's a real beauty and he believes it's the first reported in this pattern. These wicker wrapped items are seldom seen in Carnival glass, let alone one like this in pristine condition. The wicker work is very nicely done and the ring handles really add a nice touch and show some great imagination.
Although this pattern is commonly referred to as Smooth Panels, it can be found in the Weatherman Depression Glass book, printed in the 1970's, where it's listed as the Omero pattern in the catalog reprint ad. Here is a picture of the cover of the Hazel Marie Weatherman book and the ad inside for Omero listed in the Imperial section. Here you'll see the rosebowl and several other shapes.
Mike tells me, "In the Weatherman book you will notice that although these items are the same as you’ll see in Carnival Glass under the Smooth Panels name, I can tell you why the Omero name was used in this case. It comes from a particular wheel cut design. On this same page there is another blocked off ad which has a different wheel cut design with the name Flora, which is also from the Smooth Panels line that we’re all familiar with.
One other thing you will find with the many wheel cut Imperial designs is that not all of the various designs were given a name, but were simply designated by Imperial’s “cut” number, i.g.; “Cut #10, “Cut #30, etc., and were used on various patterns with primarily a plain surface. Some examples are shown in my 12th Edition Carnival Encyclopedia, such as three that are found on pages 153 & 154, including an Imperial #30 Cut center handled tray, an Imperial #641 cheese compote and an Imperial #664 center handled tray."
The Christina Katsikas Collection
Christina Katsikas
Smooth Panels