Imperial Flutes & Tabs Marigold Rose Bowl
I discovered this bowl in the late 90’s, while coming back from a visit with my former co-author Bill Edwards, who at that time lived in Madison, Indiana, we decided to cross the Ohio River from Madison into Milton, Kentucky and head towards Cincinnati, Ohio then pick up Highway 52 East and see what could be found in the way of Carnival Glass along the Ohio River between the Ohio and Kentucky state line. The drive was very nice, but yielded very few antique shops/malls.
Desperation had set in to the point where I did something I seldom do, and that was to stop at a “Craft/Antique” shop, as I almost never find much in the way of antiques, but lots of crafts. This, however, would not be one of those days. My wife and son stayed in the car as I headed into the very small shop to “run in and out quick” as I say in such cases. I always go to the right and work around the outside wall everywhere I go, then weave through the inner isles.
Just as I turned the first corner to the right, there it was sitting in a very small booth; a Carnival Glass rose bowl (6 1/2” across and 3 1/2” tall) with a pattern I had never seen on anything before. I quickly finished the little shop with nothing else in my hand but this interesting piece.
Upon arriving back home a couple of days after that, for some reason I decide to pick up the Hazel Weatherman Depression Glass book first, to hunt for this piece. Shortly after getting some ways through the Imperial section, there it was. But, I had a slight problem. It was shown in a square which had not only this rose bowl and other pieces in that pattern shown, but another pattern as well, and the name given in the ad was “Scroll Fluted”, catalog number 7387N listed as a "7 inch Lily Bowl". Now, this name clearly described the other pattern with the scroll work to a tee, but why would this pattern be mixed up with another pattern when it obviously had nothing similar in design? Nonetheless, I went with “Scroll Fluted” and showed it in the next Carnival Encyclopedia edition under that name.
I have decided, with the help of the Webmaster of this site, Miss Christina, that it was time to give this piece a more appropriate name which matched the design better. So here you have it, and I thank Christina for picking out the new and improved name for this only reported piece of iridized glass to date in the pattern Flutes and Tabs."
The Mike Carwile Collection
Mike Carwile
Flutes & Tabs