~ Bill & Kenda Jeske
My first contact with a true carnival glass collector was while I attended a local auction in our hometown of Sycamore, Illinois. It was there that, while I was looking at a piece of pretty glass, that a man came up to me and started telling me what it was. I had been aware of Carnival Glass but knew very little of its variety, intricacies and collectability. After a little while, he suggested joining a club, which turned out to be Lincoln Land Carnival Glass Club. That man was Wayman Espy, and, along with his gracious wife Nila, they invited me over to their home to see their collection. That really opened my eyes to vast array of colors, shapes, and patterns of Carnival Glass.
After finding out that I was working in New Berlin, WI, he suggested that I attend the Lincoln Land convention in Milwaukee. It was there that I met others who influenced my love of Carnival, like Sherry & Dick Betker, Carl & Fern Schroeder, among many others that not only became mentors but close friends over the years.
Since then, I've held several offices in the club, among them being President. I guess I owe it all to Wayman & Nila Espy.
My husband, Bill, didn't get involved at first, but he has always supported me in my endeavors and this was no different. Over the years, he has become a great fan of Carnival Glass and has helped me in my involvement, not only with Lincoln Land, but also in my presentations at other clubs and currently with HOC. I guess I was his mentor, whether he knew it or not! Together we love the glass, the travel, but most of all the people like Wayman & Nila who started it all.
~ Kenda & Bill Jeske