Karhula Finland Britt Marigold & Blue Tumblers
This tumbler pattern was named after my deceased distant cousin, John Britt.
Manufactured by Karhula, we purchased the marigold Britt tumbler from Glen Thistlewood on eBay back on February 28, 2006. This was the first piece of glass we had purchased from Overseas. I was anxious about whether we would receive the Tumbler in good shape. The Thistlewoods pack very well.
We purchased the blue Britt tumbler on eBay on June 21, 2005 from Allan Rath. It has an internal flaw.
So now we own two tumblers that were named after my distant cousin John Britt. He and I descended from the same Great Grandfather Joseph Britt and Great Grandmother Rebecca who came to Kansas after the Civil war from Moore County, North Carolina.
Information on the naming of the Britt pattern can be found in "A CENTURY OF CARNIVAL GLASS", copyright 2001 by Glen & Stephen Thistlewood. It states, "The name BRITT was given to the Tumbler in honor of the late John Britt, well known researcher and writer". The Pattern is shown and described on page 143.
At the HOACGA CONVENTION 2010 there was the "Super Rarities" display. As described in the handout, "Britt, Karhula (Finland), Cobalt Blue Pitcher, Water. The pattern makes this pitcher a rarity. This pattern was named for John Britt". At that time, this pitcher belonged to John & Loretta Nielson which was just recently sold during their Seeck online auction in October 2016 to Dick & Sherry Betker. They are fellow collectors here on Showcase and will be displaying it under their collection in honor of John & Lucile Britt.
The Blue Britt Pitcher may also be seen here on Carnival Glass Worldwide. Scroll down the page a ways and you will see it under "Other Nordic Makers".
John Britt passed away on January 8, 1998. Lucile Britt passed away on December 3, 2005.
The Ron & Judy Britt Collection