~ Janet Knetchtel
I bought my first piece of carnival in 1972 at a local farm auction. It was a marigold Floral & Wheat pitcher. The auctioneer called it carnival. I tried to find out information about carnival but nothing in the local libraries. Remember, no internet back then. I just bought pieces over the next several years when I saw it.
Then, in 1975 I saw in a new Kovels Price Guide that a Rose Presnick from Lodi, Ohio had written some books about carnival glass. I phoned information in Lodi, Ohio for her number, then phoned and talked to her. Bought her books and from her found out about the Carnival Clubs in the States.
I went to my first club convention in 1975. At the convention I met Don Moore. He told me to phone him if I needed more information, which I did. Also I joined ACGA and ICGA and I think I learned more from the Club newsletters and going to the conventions than from one specific person. I bought every book on carnival I could find and also got them put into the Libraries in the City of Kitchener, Waterloo in Ontario, Canada. I was never shy about asking questions about carnival glass and always appreciated any help anyone ever gave me.
I became the first President of the Canadian Carnival Glass Club when it was formed in 1977. I also was the Newsletter Editor for many years and that really helped my education as I did a lot of research while writing articles for the newsletter and also doing articles for Antique Magazines in Canada. The Carnival Clubs and their newsletters are a great source of information and we all should be thankful for the great fellowship and friendships that have evolved through them. Thank you to everyone who has helped me to enjoy such a wonderful hobby.
~ Janet Knechtel