~ Giovanni "Gio" Sabino Lopez
Hello Christina and good day to everyone! My passion and obsession with carnival beauties (I call them beauties) did not develop overnight. My collecting passion started in potteries, especially English potteries of Edward Radford, Charlotte Rhead, Clarice Cliff, Royal Doulton, Moorcroft, and others. But when I joined the local Australian Antique & Collectibles Glass and Ceramic Facebook page, most members would share their carnival glass beauties. I was intrigued and curious why they were called carnival glass so I made my own research and found some good sites.
Last June 2015, when I got my first pieces of carnival glass, I was so excited to share them with the group. First I shared a Fenton Autumn Acorns bowl and then I showed a Fenton April Showers vase which I had labeled as a Tree Trunk vase at that time. The members were kind enough to correct me. That's when I was encouraged more to collect and learn about different patterns.
There were a lot of people who helped me in my starting passion on carnival glass. Leslie Smith and Aunty Trace, on the Antiques page, are very helpful and very kind, and when I joined the Australian Carnival Glass page I encountered a lot more very helpful people like Brendan Morant, Bridget Steuer, Vicki Bradshaw and other senior members. All were very accommodating and patient.
Also, one particular person whom I probably messaged a few times on unholy hours (because of the time-location difference) is Glen Thistlewood from England. I remember I posted a carnival piece that I couldn't find in Doty's site, and I was surprised to get a comment from her with the information and a link to an article about that piece. I would never have thought that a well renowned author of well reviewed carnival glass books was part of the carnival glass Facebook page, here in Australia, and from then on, from time to time, I would send her some of my latest finds asking for advice and information. Also, I am flattered and humbled that some of my pieces are already part of her carnival glass gallery on CarnivalGlassWorldwide.com.
Finally not to forget you, Christina Katsikas, and your wonderful Carnival Glass Showcase page. Before I knew you, I had already browsed your website and I was like a child in a candy shop. I felt the excitement and amazement just by looking at those heavenly carnival beauties (drooling like a kid in the candy shop... lol.). I said to myself that my meager collection will have no place in your website. But that changed everything when you messaged me about my Imperial Scroll Embossed purple plate which I posted in Facebook. I was so delighted to know you wanted to put my plate in your website and just like that, it gave me more confidence to share my other beauties. Heaps of thanks Christina!
This might be a surprise to you but I have never met yet any of the good people who helped me in this passion. Only through the internet and Facebook was I was lucky enough to engage with people with the same passion. Being part of a group with the same passion is really a big help for new collectors whether it's a local club, in your state or city, or a Facebook page. We may argue or disagree sometimes in discussions about a particular carnival glass piece but, in the end, everyone gets to share their opinion and expertise which is good for newbies like me.
Currently, I am happy that I can identify some patterns in just one look (although I'm still learning everyday) and I am able to help other new collectors on their budding passion. I do hope that our passion with carnival glass will spread to others and start their own collection and I reckon there's plenty enough to share for everyone. Cheers!"
~ Gio Lopez