Maker Unknown Great Dane "Marmaduke" Marigold Dog Figurine
On I-35, near the outskirts of Waco, Texas, there is a Dog Museum. They also have a few antiques and in the past we have found a couple of pieces of carnival glass there. In the back portion of the museum was an enclosed and inaccessible cabinet that held various dog related paraphernalia including this huge amber iridescent dog.
I had eyed this dog for many years and on one occasion, as we were checking out, I remarked to the sales lady that it was too bad there were items in the museum that were not for sale as I would really like to own that carnival glass dog. She said that the dog was for sale so back we went to the cabinet.
The dog reminds me of the newspaper comic strip character "Marmaduke", drawn by Brad Anderson from 1954 to 2015, so I called it a Great Dane Paperweight. It is really too heavy for a paperweight and might be better considered as a door stop since it weighs in at 1-3/4 pounds. Marmaduke sits on a 4-1/4” base and is 4-3/4” high.
I offered her a hundred dollars for the dog and she got a screwdriver and opened up the cabinet and retrieved it for us. The dog has a repaired ear but I'm thinking it is so rare that I could live with the repair which was very nicely done.
So Marmaduke came home with us and has been one of our prized carnival pieces ever since.
We would like to invite you to come visit him and several more of his miniature friends here on our Miniatures in Carnival Flickr website.
The Jerry & Carol Curtis Collection
From the editor: I have included a true life photo of a Great Dane plus two photos of this huge Great Dane that were irresistible. Enjoy. Christina