Maker Unknown Marigold Novelty Small Bushel Basket
Here is something else that may be scarce. Standing at 2 1/2" tall and 3 1/8" wide from handle to handle, this well conceived woven reed patterned glass bushel basket is a neat novelty sporting a decent marigold finish. In 30 years of search, I had only seen one other that had been damaged.
Perhaps these were candy store giveaways, or simply bulk purchase premiums. In 1985, I conversed with a pleasant lady, aged 90, who told me that when she was about five years old, she clearly remembered her mother opening a sack of flour at home, then putting her hand in up to her elbow, and fishing out a tiny porcelain tea pot as a token for loyal customers! She said, "Oh how I played with that teapot!"
The Dan from New Jersey Collection