Maker Unknown "Mystery Grape" Green Bowl Possibly Made by Greener/Jobling UK
I would like to share this gorgeous Mystery Grape bowl in a rich green color with blue tones. You might be wondering what's the story behind it. Well, I saw this bowl in the local antiques mill market in October 2015. I remember exactly the month, due to it's my Mate's birthmonth, on which I was looking for a present for him. I was just starting to collect carnival beauties during that time.
It caught my attention due to its deep green color and unusual grape arrangement as compared to other grape patterns. It's just a small piece at around 6.5 inches diameter across and less than 2 inches tall. I couldn't find this exact piece in Google so I decided to just leave it and go on hunting for more carnival beauties in the other stalls.
Fast forward to May 2016, as I was getting ready to sleep one evening, I browsed thru Glen & Stephen Thistlewood's Carnival Glass "The Magic and The Mystery" book looking to identify the pattern on a particular piece of glass I saw earlier that day online. As I was flipping thru the pages I saw this image of a green bowl with grapes on it. I immediately recognized it and thought it was similar to the one I saw months ago. As I read the article about the bowl, I learned it's name was "Mystery Grape", a scarce pattern, and it is believed to be made by the same makers of Four Flowers Variant due to the same external pattern on both patterns. Only green has been seen so far.
I felt the excitement and anticipation of knowing one was available locally. The bowl was still in the shop the last time I saw it a couple of weeks before. So, in the morning, I made the trip to the shop and found that it was still there. It was covered in dust and dirt, that, after a good cleaning, it showed its true colors. I was very happy that even after months of my first encounter with this carnival beauty it still ended up with me.
Read more about this fascinating Mystery Grape bowl here on the Thistlewood's website Carnival Glass Worldwide.
You'll be glad you did!
The Gio Sabino Lopez Collection