Maker Unknown Skyline Marigold Double Salt with Center Toothpick
Written by Christina Katsikas
with the help of Greg Dilian
for Gary & Sharon Vandevander
This extremely rare item was purchased by Gary Vandevander at the 2015 Mid-Atlantic Carnival Glass Jamboree auction featuring the collection of Greg Dilian.
Gary V. has asked me to include it in his collection here on Showcase. I was happy when Greg Dilian, the past owner, emailed me after seeing the Royal Swans article (also an item that was in his sale that Gary purchased) to tell me more about both of these items.
Greg Dilian remembers, "I found the Skyline double salt on eBay several years ago. It was being sold by someone in Argentina. After seeing several of Gary's double salts pictures by Mike Carwile in the Standard Encyclopedia of Carnival Glass, I had to have it. I've never seen another one. With the toothpick holder in the center, I thought it was a very cool piece and I displayed it for years with toothpicks in it. After 9/11, I named it Skyline. The Art Deco design reminds me of the Empire State Building. Well, I am a New 'Yawka'."
Thank you Gary V. and Greg D. for sharing your special double-salt dip and toothpick holder here with us today. It's a very interesting fact that Greg had one time admired, and was therefore inspired, by Gary Vandevander's contributions of his miniatures in Mike Carwile & Bill Edwards' Encyclopedia of Carnival Glass.
It is "reference book" authors, like Mr. Carwile & Mr. Edwards, that must feel their works are still so gratifying today and makes them know the thousands of hours they poured into these historical journals for us were worth it. I have dreamed many dreams as I leafed through these Encyclopedias. I must say, their book, "The Best of the Best" has inspired me to make many of those dreams come true.
The Gary & Sharon Vandevander Collection