Millersburg Big Thistle Amethyst Punch Bowl Straight Up
These Millersburg Big Thistle punch bowls are considered the "King of Punch Bowls". There are only two known to exist at this time. Ours is the version where the top is straight up, whereas the other one known is slightly flared out.
We are fortunate to have a picture dating back to 1972 when Ray Wishard bought it on the courthouse steps in Millersburg, Ohio from Charles Thrawley.
Then, in 1977, Ray Wishard sold it at a John Woody Auction in Louisville, Kentucky to Hank Taylor for $5,800.00. This was quite a lot of money in 1977. Hank then sold it to Don Doyle and Don sold it to Stacey & Des Wills in 1998. We bought it from them at a Wroda auction on the Millersburg Courthouse lawn in 2010. It's so cool that 40 years later it's back home in Millersburg once again.
The Randy & Bo Jones Collection