Millersburg Fleur de Lis Vaseline Dome Footed Square Whimsey Bowl
This Millersburg Fleur de Lis Vaseline bowl was purchased at the May 3rd of 2014 HOACGA convention auction. This auction featured the Tom & Ann Bumpass Collection of Texas and The Beverly Franzen Collection of Oregon. I believe Beverly, who loves Millersburg glass, owned this bowl. It was so pretty that I loved it right off. This is one piece of Vaseline that looks like Vaseline from across the room.
It's square with the saw-tooth edged dome foot instead of the more common collar base. The pattern on the reverse is called Country Kitchen.
It's 7 1/2" wide, 9" on the diagonal, and 4 1/2" tall with a base diameter of 5 1/4". It's a hefty bowl.
Photos eight and nine show its green fluorescence under a black light.
Photos ten and eleven are ones from the 2011 Tampa Bay Convention Remmen Auction catalog where someone else bought it three years before me. It has the same exact unmistakeable iridescence, especially in the middle flower. Also the shape is exactly the same with a slight ruffle at 1:00. The teeth along the rim are exactly the same too which were altered a bit after it was pulled into this square-shaped bowl. The Remmens catalogue description was, "Incredible Millersburg Vaseline Square Fleur de Lis Footed Bowl. Outstanding Iridescence. Has one nick on saw tooth edge base. Who cares with a bowl like this."
The last four photos are from the auction catalogue courtesy Seeck Auctions from the 2014 HOACGA Auction. Jim Seeck described it as "M'BURG FLEUR DE LIS DOME FTD SQUARE SHAPED BOWL - VASELINE - absolutely incredible iridescence & color; can tell this is Vaseline a mile away, extreme rarity, typical minor nicks on sawtooth edge on base."
These were mostly made in amethyst, green and marigold and in in a variety of shapes including ice cream shape, ruffled, 3/1 ruffled, round, tri-corner and square, like this one.
Don't forget to click on each picture one more time to enlarge them. There are lots of pretty details you don't want to miss.
The Christina Katsikas Collection