Millersburg Ohio Star Lime Green Opal Slag Vase 1 of 2 Known
Article & Photos by Christina Katsikas
for Don & Becky Hamlet
There is only one other example of this exact vase and that one was sold along with this one back on July 10, 1998 during the first session of the Burns auction held in Strongsville, Ohio. This auction featured the Close and Steiner Collections. The second to last photo shows the original auction catalog where this vase is pictured to the left of the other one known. You will notice it is the shorter of the two.
The original description that was given by the auctioneer, Tom Burns, in the auction catalog was, "9 3/4" M'BURG OHIO STAR VASE -- AQUA OPAL. SLAG (HAS TO BE ONE OF THE MOST UNBELIEVABLE PIECES OF CARNIVAL IN EXISTENCE; WHO'D A THOUGHT ITEMS LIKE THESE WERE EVER MADE; PERFECT WITH AQUA GREEN BASE GLASS, HEAVY SLAG EFFECT, MARIGOLD OVERLAY ON TOP HALF; INCREDIBLE!)". The last photo is the description of both vases from the catalog. Please click on it once and then again to enlarge it.
The glass itself is not translucent and has a slag quality, as seen in the picture of its bottom. It stands 9 3/4" tall, which is basically the size of most Ohio Star vases. The brother to this vase is swung (or added on to) making it 3/4" taller than this one.
Upon close inspection of the two, there are other subtle differences. On this one, the saw tooth edge is clearly visible whereas the other of the two has a smooth rim, missing the saw-tooth pattern normally seen on these. Also, the mould strike is great on this one whereas the other has one of its stars mashed in, obliterated. The other vase has a crack across its base that was heated again during the process to meld it together so technically it was a manufacturer's flaw in what appears to have been a failed experimental attempt at producing these. So, now we are left with these two prototypes; this one, as the normal height of Ohio Star vases, and the other flawed one, which has been swung or perhaps added to and is therefore considered the whimsey of the two.
I've heard say on websites and books that there are two aqua opal ones known but these lime green opal ones are not mentioned anywhere in those resources. I found they are actually referring to these two lime green opals as those two aqua opals known. They are one in the same. Like my friend Ray Miller says, this opal vase and the other one like it are the only known opal pieces in all of Millersburg. I don't know when the color change was made, from aqua to lime green, and I don't know if it was made as a preference or a correction but in my opinion, the lime green opal description fits it best.
So, the question is, was it owned by Close or Steiner? Lets go back a little further now to get even close-r to its original owner as recalled by Mr. Bill Edwards and specially written by Mike Carwile. Here it is:
"Bill (Edwards) gave me some good information on the Ohio Star vase. It was owned and found in Ohio by Dorothy Close. Her name is listed in our Millersburg Crystal book where we show a blue, non-iridized Hobstar & Feather pickle dish owned by her. She bought both known vases around 1967 when no one had heard of them. Then, in 1968, she and her husband brought the Blue Hobstar & Feather non-iridized pickle dish down to Indiana to Bill's house to show him and they talked about the vases; One vase was taller than the other by about half an inch or so, as Bill can remember. One, as you may also know, is cracked. Both vases and the pickle dish were kept safely in a bank vault."
So there you have it. I give a big "Thank You" to Mr. Edwards and Mr. Carwile who have shown this vase in one of their many excellent books they've written together called "Carnival Glass ~The Best of the Best" shown in the 3rd to the last photo.
I have looked forward to a day when we can see these two vases become reunited someday at a convention for a family photo. At least I can say my power of positive thinking has brought these two back together virtually here on Showcase!
The Don & Becky Hamlet Collection