Millersburg Peacock Amethyst Tri-Corner Whimsey Bowl
Larry Ashley tells me his daughter bought this bowl from an auction at the Center Mall in Canton, Ohio about five years before I purchased it in 2013. He said she recalls it came right out of a box and the auctioneer started it out for $25.00. There were no other glass people there except for her and a fella named Gene Louden. The price escalated to $2,500.00 and she was the successful bidder. Larry says she gave him the job of selling it for her, which he did, to Ray Miller. Ray then eventually sold it to Aaron Hurst and Aaron later sold it to Stacy Wills. And now it was mine and that, as he put it, was the rest of the story. Thank you Larry for the great provenance.
I purchased it from a Jim Wroda Millersburg Glass Auction in October of 2013. His yearly auctions are held in Millersburg, Ohio on the lawn of the Millersburg Holmes County Courthouse.
The last photo is from the Jim Wroda Millersburg Auction catalog. I thought it was fantastic! It was the only image I had to go by as well as the overwhelming advice of other people who had seen it before. Well, my friends were right because it exceeded my highest expectations when I saw it in person. I have affectionately nick-named it "Phineas" after Phineas T. Barnum, the greatest showman that ever lived.
Phineas went on to become the ambassador and mascot for Carnival Glass Showcase.
The second to the last photo is courtesy of David Doty's Page on the Millersburg Peacock Pattern.
Be sure to visit his page on Peacock Rarities here as well where he mentions two other whimsey shapes, a rose bowl and a spittoon shaped bowl also known in this pattern.
The Christina Katsikas Collection