Millersburg Peacock Vaseline Two-Sides-Up Whimsey Bowl
I purchased this Millersburg Peacock bowl in 2014, directly from the late Charlie Mochel family. I found it to be the only one reported that has been made by Millersburg in this rare base color, vaseline, and in this shape, having been whimsied from a master ice-cream-shape 9-inch bowl. The shape is often referred to as two-sides-up, banana bowl, or banana boat. it is 9 inches long and 7 inches wide.
I'm not quite sure where the Mochels found it but I do know the late Charlie Mochel took a shine to vaseline Millersburg glass after he bought the Vaseline Feather & Hearts Pitcher.
It is distinguishable by the chip on the marie. If it had to be chipped, that is a good place for it. Rarity and beauty is the exception to my rules of condition. The color is fantastic in pretty pastel marigold over vaseline.
There really is not that much information as to where Charlie bought this. Actually, there's no information about it in general at all. This is what happens when a great piece of glass stays in a collection for years without it being shown or written about. I woud love to know more if someone out there remembers this iconic bowl.
Please visit the other known amethyst bowl in this shape.
To visit the Millersburg Glass Club, click on their logo below.
David Doty devoted a page to Millerburg Peacock Whimsies here.
The Christina Katsikas Collection