~ Ron Moore
Wow! After reading some of the other stories I view myself as a novice in collecting carnival glass. About three and a half years ago our local Goodwill opened and I liked to browse. I found a box with this beautiful glass bowl. Color came from every direction as I held it up to the light. I bought It and outside held it up to the sunlight. Rainbows! I was hooked.
My wife and I researched it and even called the company. That was the beginning of a wonderful journey. No one in my circle knew anything about carnival glass or had even heard of it. The first year I made a lot of mistakes but did a lot of learning. I learned that everything that has iridescence is not carnival.
My son got me books and more books from the library and used book stores. Being more internet savvy, he introduced me to the Carnival Glass Television site. I watched these videos again and again. I discovered David Doty and Carnival Glass 101. I studied the pieces up for auction on EBay until l could recognize the better ones.
On my trips out to find pieces l have made friends with several antique dealers. One named Denny in particular has taught me a lot about carnival glass. Recently I have joined two clubs; Keystone Carnival Glass Club (KCGC) and International Carnival Glass Association (ICGA). Their newsletters are interesting and informative. I love when people ask questions about their pieces because that's how I learn.
Carnival glass collectors are wonderful people. I love how they are so willing to share information. My goal would be to someday attend a convention. I'd be in carnival glass heaven! My mentors?? All those who were willing to interrupt their day to tell a limping, white-haired, old man about the piece of carnival glass he was holding.
~Ronald Moore