Northwood Acorn Burrs Olive Green Punch Bowl Set
I bought this set years ago, before my collection got serious. I have no recollection where I found it. I only know I have always loved this pattern and I call it my favorite.
I noticed how much darker the base glass was than that of my emerald green one. They are as different as night and day when the light by a window passes through them. It's a deep olive or russet color which makes the iridescence glow a pretty blue with highlights of red. It's very demure and Victorian. Both this and the emerald green one have pedestals that have a red glow inside them.
These two green sets have completely different characteristics so I didn't balk at owning them both. Acorn Burrs punch sets in general have significantly increased in value in the last five years and are fewer to be offered for sale. Yes, they are becoming quite scarce and with all their charm there is no wonder in that. This one stands 10 1/2" tall and 10 1/2" wide. This also came with six cups.
The Christina Katsikas Collection