Northwood Beaded Cable Marigold Rosebowl With Rayed Interior
I must confess upfront that Northwood's Beaded Cable has never been one of my favorite patterns. When it comes to rose bowls I have a rather large collection of Fine Cut & Roses in both rose bowls and those shaped into candy dishes. These were also made by Northwood. People must beware as the Beaded Cable pattern has been reproduced in great amounts by different manufacturers.
These rose bowls are not often found with the rayed interior, but when they do this gives them a very unique look. This interior effect really does not increase the value any but it may be more desirable.
I am an avid eBay watcher and buyer and had not seen this item pop up. I awoke one morning and read over some posts of this site's Facebook page made by Christina. She had a link to this rose bowl on eBay and when I saw it with the rayed interior it just talked to me.
The interior rays pattern gives this rose bowl an almost three dimensional look. The iridescence is outstanding and is actually a rather dark marigold. We would all assume that to be able to see the rayed interior we would envision it to be a much lighter. I really wish the picture could do this piece justice. It is one of those pieces you just have to see, touch and admire in person.
Again, I have to thank Christina for posting the link; otherwise I would have never given this little beauty a chance. Also, it was a buy it now for a very ridiculously (cheap) price.
The Cale Wilcox Collection