Northwood "Corn Vase" Sapphire Blue Vase
I purchased this corn vase from my good friends Dick & Sherry Betker this summer, 2016. I may have been sulking that I was thinking of selling my Corn Vase collection because it had been a while since I had purchased anything to add to it. Yes, I was becoming despondent and well, they know that feeling. They knew I had a pretty good Northwood Corn Vase collection going so Sherry sent me this vase to cheer me up....and HOW!
The Betkers wrote, "We have always liked Corn vases because they look so real. Northwood made these 6 1/2" high vases in two different varieties, plain base or stalked base, like this one. Your can see the stalk base of this one in the photo.
We were at our first Florida auction in February of 2002 where Tom Burns was the auctioneer. Tom Burns knows more than anyone about carnival glass. He is absolutely an expert. In his auction brochure, he listed this vase as teal/sapphire for the color. I really didn't know what color it was. Tom Mordini, also a well known expert in carnival glass, was there, too, and he told us that this vase is absolutely sapphire. Confused on the color? Not any more! It's sapphire!"
Thank you Dick & Sherry for thinking of me. This was a wonderful addition to my Corn Vase collection. This unique sapphire blue base color, along with its equally special iridescence, immediately enhanced the overall look of the whole collection, so much so, that the group now looks very well put together. At last! They all seem to really compliment one another instead of standing apart. This vase is just what I needed! (I think I'll keep them now!)
For those of you who collect any pattern by color, you know how exciting it is to add a new one. These little vases take up so little space (like tumblers) that anyone can collect them in their many colors. Even if you see the same base color twice, it could look like a totally different vase depending on how it was iridized. Here is a word of advice if you get impatient like me: Don't give up! Wait for the magic to happen. You'll be glad you did!
The Christina Katsikas Collection